Cats and dogs are supposed to be natural born enemies, right?
Not so in my house.
Miabob has always been enthralled with cats.. well, there were three kittens needing homes, I found a home for two and the next thing you know "I'll take the grey one" came flying out of my mouth.
I must have lost my mind, don't get me wrong, I like cats but with me it's a lot like children, I like them, just don't want one.
Well, now I have one, or Miabob has one. Moshi hates him, he hissed at her when they met, she's been plotting revenge ever since from her throne in the middle of my bed. she has started coming out when she wants to go out or eat, but she's not hanging out like she lives here, she's been acting like an unwanted house guest. I feel so bad for her!
Mia loves this kitten.
Moshi hates this kitten.
I've had a headache since Murphy moved in.
I want my bathroom back.
It should be a no brainer, but I'm torn.
Maybe I'll wait one more week, maybe Moshi will come to terms with him and my headache will magically disappear..maybe I should revert to the childrens counting game of Eeny, meeny,miny, moe...